Skunkware 5
Skunkware 5.iso
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/* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
/* | Copyright 1992, 1993, David Koblas (koblas@netcom.com) | */
/* | | */
/* | Permission to use, copy, modify, and to distribute this software | */
/* | and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without | */
/* | fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all | */
/* | copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission | */
/* | notice appear in supporting documentation. There is no | */
/* | representations about the suitability of this software for | */
/* | any purpose. this software is provided "as is" without express | */
/* | or implied warranty. | */
/* | | */
/* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include <X11/ShellP.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include "PaintP.h"
#include "xpaint.h"
#include <stdio.h>
** Value at which zoom starts putting in "white" lines
** between pixels
#define ZOOM_THRESH 5
extern XRectangle *RectIntersect(XRectangle *, XRectangle *);
typedef void (*func_t)(Widget, void *, XEvent *, Boolean);
typedef struct data_s {
func_t func;
void *data;
int mask, flag;
struct data_s *next;
} data_t;
void PwAddChild(Widget, Widget);
static void pwSetPixmap(PaintWidget w, Pixmap pix, int flag);
static void fatCallback(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void realExposeProc(PaintWidget, XExposeEvent *, Boolean);
static void drawVisibleGrid(PaintWidget, Widget, Boolean, int, int, int, int, int);
static XtResource resources[] = {
#define offset(field) XtOffset(PaintWidget, paint.field)
/* {name, class, type, size, offset, default_type, default_addr}, */
{ XtNcompress, XtCCompress, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
offset(compress), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False },
{ XtNreadOnly, XtCReadOnly, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
offset(compress), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False },
{ XtNdrawWidth, XtCDrawWidth, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(drawWidth), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)512 },
{ XtNdrawHeight, XtCDrawHeight, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(drawHeight), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)512 },
{ XtNlineWidth, XtCLineWidth, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(lineWidth), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0 },
{ XtNfont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct*),
offset(fontInfo), XtRString, XtDefaultFont },
{ XtNpattern, XtCPattern, XtRPixmap, sizeof(Pixmap),
offset(pattern), XtRPixmap, (XtPointer)None },
{ XtNlinePattern, XtCLinePattern, XtRPixmap, sizeof(Pixmap),
offset(linePattern), XtRPixmap, (XtPointer)None },
{ XtNpixmap, XtCPixmap, XtRPixmap, sizeof(Pixmap),
offset(sourcePixmap), XtRPixmap, (XtPointer)NULL },
{ XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
offset(foreground), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground },
{ XtNlineForeground, XtCLineForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
offset(lineForeground), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground },
{ XtNsnap, XtCSnap, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(snap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)10 },
{ XtNregionCallback, XtCRegionCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer),
offset(regionCalls), XtRCallback, (XtPointer)None },
{ XtNsizeChanged, XtCSizeChanged, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer),
offset(sizecalls), XtRCallback, (XtPointer)None },
{ XtNfatBack, XtCFatBack, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer),
offset(fatcalls), XtRCallback, (XtPointer)None },
{ XtNundoSize, XtCUndoSize, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(undoSize), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)1 },
{ XtNzoom, XtCZoom, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(zoom), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)1 },
{ XtNzoomX, XtCZoomX, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(zoomX), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0 },
{ XtNzoomY, XtCZoomY, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(zoomY), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0 },
{ XtNgrid, XtCGrid, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
offset(grid), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False },
{ XtNsnapOn, XtCSnapOn, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
offset(snapOn), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False },
{ XtNpaint, XtCPaint, XtRWidget, sizeof(Widget),
offset(paint), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)None },
{ XtNdirty, XtCDirty, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
offset(dirty), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False },
{ XtNfillRule, XtCFillRule, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(fillRule), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)FillSolid },
{ XtNlineFillRule, XtCLineFillRule, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(lineFillRule), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)FillSolid },
{ XtNdownX, XtCDownX, XtRPosition, sizeof(Position),
offset(downX), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0 },
{ XtNdownY, XtCDownY, XtRPosition, sizeof(Position),
offset(downY), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0 },
{ XtNcursor, XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
offset(cursor), XtRString, (XtPointer)"watch" },
#undef offset
** Some forward defines.
static void InitializeProc(Widget, Widget);
static void DestroyProc(Widget);
static void ResizeProc(Widget);
static void ExposeProc(Widget, XExposeEvent *);
static void RealizeProc(Widget, Mask *, XSetWindowAttributes *);
static Boolean SetValuesProc(Widget, Widget, Widget);
static void GetValuesHook(Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *);
static int QueryGeometryProc(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *proposed,
XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *request, XtWidgetGeometry *reply)
*reply = *request;
if ((request->request_mode & CWX) != 0)
w->core.x = request->x;
if ((request->request_mode & CWY) != 0)
w->core.y = request->y;
if ((request->request_mode & CWWidth) != 0)
w->core.width = request->width;
if ((request->request_mode & CWHeight) != 0)
w->core.height = request->height;
if ((request->request_mode & CWBorderWidth) != 0)
w->core.border_width = request->border_width;
return XtGeometryYes;
PaintClassRec paintClassRec = {
{ /* core fields */
/* superclass */ (WidgetClass) &compositeClassRec,
/* class_name */ "Paint",
/* widget_size */ sizeof(PaintRec),
/* class_initialize */ NULL,
/* class_part_initialize */ NULL,
/* class_inited */ FALSE,
/* initialize */ (XtInitProc)InitializeProc,
/* initialize_hook */ NULL,
/* realize */ RealizeProc,
/* actions */ NULL,
/* num_actions */ 0,
/* resources */ resources,
/* num_resources */ XtNumber(resources),
/* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK,
/* compress_motion */ FALSE,
/* compress_exposure */ TRUE,
/* compress_enterleave */ TRUE,
/* visible_interest */ FALSE,
/* destroy */ DestroyProc,
/* resize */ ResizeProc,
/* expose */ (XtExposeProc)ExposeProc,
/* set_values */ (XtSetValuesFunc)SetValuesProc,
/* set_values_hook */ NULL,
/* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
/* get_values_hook */ GetValuesHook,
/* accept_focus */ NULL,
/* version */ XtVersion,
/* callback_private */ NULL,
/* tm_table */ NULL,
/* query_geometry */ (XtGeometryHandler)QueryGeometryProc,
/* display_accelerator */ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,
/* extension */ NULL
{ /* composite fields */
/* geometry_manager */ GeometryManager,
/* change_managed */ XtInheritChangeManaged,
/* insert_child */ XtInheritInsertChild,
/* delete_childion */ XtInheritDeleteChild,
/* extension */ NULL,
{ /* paint fields */
WidgetClass paintWidgetClass = (WidgetClass)&paintClassRec;
static void undoBuffer(PaintWidget w)
UndoStack *new = (UndoStack*)XtMalloc(sizeof(UndoStack));
if (new == NULL)
new->box.x = 0;
new->box.y = 0;
new->box.width = 0;
new->box.height = 0;
new->pixmap = None;
new->next = w->paint.head;
new->prev = NULL;
new->valid = False;
w->paint.head = new;
if (w->paint.tail == NULL)
w->paint.tail = new;
if (new->next != NULL)
new->next->prev = new;
static void InitializeProc(Widget w, Widget newArg)
PaintWidget new = (PaintWidget)newArg;
int i;
int zoom = new->paint.zoom;
if (zoom == PwZoomParent && new->paint.paint == None)
zoom = new->paint.zoom = 1;
if (zoom == PwZoomParent)
zoom = 1;
else if (zoom <= 0)
zoom = new->paint.zoom = 1;
if (new->paint.sourcePixmap != None) {
Window root;
int x, y;
unsigned int width, height, bw, depth;
XGetGeometry(XtDisplay(w), new->paint.sourcePixmap,
&root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &bw, &depth);
new->paint.drawWidth = width;
new->paint.drawHeight = height;
} else if (new->paint.paint != None) {
PaintWidget parent = (PaintWidget)new->paint.paint;
new->paint.drawWidth = parent->paint.drawWidth;
new->paint.drawHeight = parent->paint.drawHeight;
if (new->core.width == 0)
new->core.width = new->paint.drawWidth * zoom;
if (new->core.height == 0)
new->core.height = new->paint.drawHeight * zoom;
new->paint.foreground = BlackPixelOfScreen(XtScreen(new));
new->paint.background = WhitePixelOfScreen(XtScreen(new));
new->paint.gc = None;
new->paint.igc = None;
new->paint.sgc = None;
new->paint.fgc = None;
new->paint.mgc = None;
new->paint.xgc = None;
new->paint.tgc = None;
** Init the undo stuff
new->paint.tail = NULL;
new->paint.undo = NULL;
new->paint.head = NULL;
** The region information
new->paint.region.isVisible = False;
new->paint.region.mask = None;
new->paint.region.source = None;
new->paint.region.notMask= None;
new->paint.region.inited = False;
new->paint.region.fg_gc = None;
new->paint.region.bg_gc = None;
new->paint.region.child = None;
new->paint.region.sourceImg = NULL;
new->paint.region.maskImg = NULL;
new->paint.region.notMaskImg= NULL;
new->paint.region.proc = NULL;
if (new->paint.paint == None || new->paint.readOnly)
for (i = 0; i < new->paint.undoSize; i++)
for (i = 0; i < XtNumber(new->paint.region.grip); i++)
new->paint.region.grip[i] = None;
** Now the backing store image
new->paint.image = NULL;
new->paint.paintGone = False;
new->paint.paintChildrenSize = 0;
new->paint.paintChildren = NULL;
static XRectangle *GetRectangle(PaintWidget w)
static XRectangle rect;
XRectangle *rp = &rect, newRect;
Widget cur;
Widget prev = (Widget)w;
int dx, dy;
rect.x = dx = 0;
rect.y = dy = 0;
rect.width = w->core.width - dx;
rect.height = w->core.height - dy;
** Climb the tree to find the visible area.
for (cur = XtParent((Widget)w); !XtIsShell(cur); cur = XtParent(cur)) {
dx += -prev->core.x;
dy += -prev->core.y;
newRect.x = dx;
newRect.y = dy;
newRect.width = cur->core.width;
newRect.height = cur->core.height;
rp = RectIntersect(&newRect, rp);
prev = cur;
if (rp != NULL)
rect = *rp;
rect.x = rect.y = rect.width = rect.height = 0;
return ▭
static void RealizeProc(Widget w, Mask *valueMask,
XSetWindowAttributes *attributes)
XWindowAttributes wattr;
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
PaintWidget pp = (PaintWidget)pw->paint.paint;
UndoStack *cur;
Window root;
int x, y;
unsigned int width, height, bw, depth;
XGCValues values;
XtCreateWindow(w, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, *valueMask, attributes);
XGetGeometry(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
&root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &bw, &depth);
values.foreground = pw->paint.foreground;
values.background = pw->core.background_pixel;
pw->paint.gc = XtGetGC(w, GCForeground|GCBackground, &values);
if (pp == None) {
** Inverse of the base colors.
values.foreground = pw->core.background_pixel;
values.background = pw->paint.foreground;
pw->paint.igc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
GCForeground|GCBackground, &values);
pw->paint.tgc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), 0, 0);
values.function = GXxor;
values.foreground = ~0;
values.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
pw->paint.xgc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
GCForeground|GCFunction|GCSubwindowMode, &values);
} else {
pw->paint.igc = pp->paint.igc;
pw->paint.tgc = pp->paint.tgc;
pw->paint.xgc = pp->paint.xgc;
pw->paint.lineWidth = pp->paint.lineWidth;
** Create the filled gc information
if (pw->paint.paint == None || pw->paint.readOnly) {
pw->paint.sgc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), 0, 0);
pw->paint.fgc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), 0, 0);
XSetForeground(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.fgc, pw->paint.foreground);
XSetForeground(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.sgc, pw->paint.lineForeground);
** First the fill GC
XSetFillStyle(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.fgc, pw->paint.fillRule);
XSetLineAttributes(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.fgc,
pw->paint.lineWidth, LineSolid,
CapRound, JoinMiter);
if (pw->paint.pattern != None)
XSetTile(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.fgc, pw->paint.pattern);
if (pw->paint.fontInfo != NULL && pw->paint.fontInfo->fid != None)
XSetFont(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.fgc, pw->paint.fontInfo->fid);
** Then the line GC
XSetFillStyle(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.sgc, pw->paint.lineFillRule);
XSetLineAttributes(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.sgc,
pw->paint.lineWidth, LineSolid,
CapRound, JoinMiter);
if (pw->paint.linePattern != None)
XSetTile(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.sgc, pw->paint.linePattern);
} else if (pw->paint.paint != None) {
pw->paint.sgc = pp->paint.sgc;
pw->paint.fgc = pp->paint.fgc;
** Parent realized after children, odd..
if (pp == None && pw->paint.paintChildrenSize != 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pw->paint.paintChildrenSize; i++) {
PaintWidget tp = (PaintWidget)pw->paint.paintChildren[i];
tp->paint.sgc = pw->paint.sgc;
tp->paint.fgc = pw->paint.fgc;
tp->paint.igc = pw->paint.igc;
tp->paint.xgc = pw->paint.xgc;
tp->paint.tgc = pw->paint.tgc;
** Create the backing undo buffers
for (cur = pw->paint.tail; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
cur->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
pw->paint.drawWidth, pw->paint.drawHeight,
cur->valid = False;
** If this paint widgets is the child of another paint
** widget then, either creating our own unique information
** or just use the information from our parent.
if (pw->paint.paint == None) {
pw->paint.base = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
pw->paint.drawWidth, pw->paint.drawHeight,
if (pw->paint.sourcePixmap != None)
pwSetPixmap(pw, pw->paint.sourcePixmap, FALSE);
XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.base,
pw->paint.igc, 0,0,
pw->paint.drawWidth, pw->paint.drawHeight);
} else {
PwAddChild(pw->paint.paint, w);
XGetWindowAttributes(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), &wattr);
pw->paint.visual = wattr.visual;
if (pw->paint.cursor != None)
XDefineCursor(XtDisplay(pw), XtWindow(pw), pw->paint.cursor);
static void DestroyProc(Widget w)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
UndoStack *cur, *nxt;
int i;
if (pw->paint.mgc != None)
XFreeGC(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.mgc);
if (pw->paint.gc != None)
XtReleaseGC(w, pw->paint.gc);
if (pw->paint.region.source != None)
XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.region.source);
if (pw->paint.region.mask != None)
XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.region.mask);
if (pw->paint.region.notMask != None)
XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.region.notMask);
if (pw->paint.region.sourceImg != NULL)
if (pw->paint.region.maskImg != NULL)
if (pw->paint.region.notMaskImg != NULL)
if (pw->paint.paint != None)
/* WARNING: the rest of this callback doesn't execute for children */
if (pw->paint.tgc != None)
XFreeGC(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.tgc);
if (pw->paint.xgc != None)
XFreeGC(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.xgc);
if (pw->paint.igc != None)
XFreeGC(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.igc);
if (pw->paint.fgc != None)
XFreeGC(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.fgc);
if (pw->paint.sgc != None)
XFreeGC(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.sgc);
if (pw->paint.base != None)
XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(pw), pw->paint.base);
cur = pw->paint.tail;
while (cur != NULL) {
nxt = cur->next;
if (cur->pixmap != None)
XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(pw), cur->pixmap);
cur = nxt;
if (pw->paint.image != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < pw->paint.paintChildrenSize; i++) {
PaintWidget tpw = (PaintWidget)pw->paint.paintChildren[i];
tpw->paint.paintGone = True;
if (pw->paint.paintChildren != NULL)
static void ResizeProc(Widget w)
/* printf("Resize called, this shouldn't happen!!\n"); */
#if 0
static XRectangle *overlap(XRectangle *a, XRectangle *b)
static XRectangle out;
int w, h;
out.x = MAX(a->x, b->x);
out.y = MAX(a->y, b->y);
w = MIN(a->x + a->width, b->x + b->width) - out.x;
h = MIN(a->y + a->height, b->y + b->height) - out.y;
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
return NULL;
out.width = w;
out.height = h;
return &out;
static void drawVisibleGrid(PaintWidget pw, Widget w, Boolean flag,
int zoom, int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey)
static GC tgc = None;
GC gc;
Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w);
Window win = XtWindow(w);
int i;
if (zoom == 1)
if (flag) {
if (tgc == None) {
XGCValues values;
values.foreground = BlackPixelOfScreen(XtScreen(w));
tgc = XtGetGC(w, GCForeground, &values);
gc = tgc;
} else {
** Turning off visible grid, and we need to clear
** to no space between pixels...
if (zoom <= ZOOM_THRESH) {
XClearArea(dpy, win, sx, sy, ex - sx, ey - sy, True);
gc = pw->paint.igc;
for (i = sx; i < ex; i += zoom)
XDrawLine(dpy, win, gc, i, sy, i, ey);
for (i = sy; i < ey; i += zoom)
XDrawLine(dpy, win, gc, sx, i, ex, i);
** Update the zoomed region as specified by rect.
** rect is in screen coordinates.
** There are two drawers, the first draws using rectangles
** the second draws using XImages.
static void zoomDrawRects(PaintWidget pw, Widget w, GC gc, XImage *xim, XImage *mask, Boolean isExpose,
int xstart, int ystart, int zoom, XRectangle *rect)
static Boolean *flags = NULL;
static int flagsSize = 0;
Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w);
Window win = XtWindow(w);
int width = rect->width;
int count = rect->width * rect->height;
XRectangle rects[256];
int index, i;
if (flagsSize < count) {
int allocSize = (count + 4) * sizeof(Boolean);
if (flags == NULL)
flags = (Boolean *)XtMalloc(allocSize);
flags = (Boolean *)XtRealloc((XtPointer)flags, allocSize);
flagsSize = count;
memset(flags, 0, flagsSize * sizeof(Boolean));
if (mask != NULL) {
int x, y;
i = 0;
for (y = rect->y; y < rect->height + rect->y; y++) {
for (x = rect->x; x < rect->width + rect->x; x++, i++) {
if (!XGetPixel(mask, x, y))
flags[i] = True;
for (i = 0; i < XtNumber(rects) && i < count; i++)
if (zoom > ZOOM_THRESH)
rects[i].width = rects[i].height = zoom - 1;
rects[i].width = rects[i].height = zoom;
for (index = 0; index != count; index++) {
if (!flags[index]) {
int xindex = index % width + rect->x;
int yindex = index / width + rect->y;
int xindexEnd = rect->x + rect->width;
Pixel p = xxGetPixel(xim, xindex, yindex);
int xpos = (index % width + xstart) * zoom;
int ypos = (index / width + ystart) * zoom;
int pos, flag;
flag = (isExpose && p == w->core.background_pixel);
XSetForeground(dpy, gc, p);
for (pos = index, i = 0; pos != count; pos++, xindex++, xpos += zoom) {
if (xindex == xindexEnd) {
xindex = rect->x;
xpos = xstart * zoom;
ypos += zoom;
if (flags[pos] || xxGetPixel(xim, xindex, yindex) != p)
flags[pos] = True;
if (flag)
rects[i].x = xpos;
rects[i].y = ypos;
if (i == XtNumber(rects)) {
XFillRectangles(dpy, win, gc, rects, i);
i = 0;
if (i > 0)
XFillRectangles(dpy, win, gc, rects, i);
static void zoomDrawImage(PaintWidget pw, Widget w, GC gc, XImage *xim, XImage *mask, Boolean isExpose,
int xstart, int ystart, int zoom, XRectangle *rect)
Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w);
int width = rect->width;
int height = rect->height;
int size = width*zoom * height*zoom * sizeof(long);
XImage *dst;
XImage *dstMsk = NULL;
int x, y, x1, y1, dx, dy;
int numDraw = zoom - ((zoom > ZOOM_THRESH) ? 1 : 0);
int endX = rect->x + rect->width;
int endY = rect->y + rect->height;
dst = XCreateImage(dpy, pw->paint.visual, xim->depth, xim->format,
0, NULL, width * zoom, height * zoom, 32, 0);
dst->data = (char*)XtMalloc(height * zoom * dst->bytes_per_line);
if (mask != NULL) {
dstMsk = XCreateImage(dpy, pw->paint.visual,
mask->depth, mask->format,
0, NULL, width*zoom, height*zoom, 8, 0);
dstMsk->data = (char*)XtMalloc(height * zoom * dstMsk->bytes_per_line);
memset(dstMsk->data, 0, height * zoom * dstMsk->bytes_per_line);
if (mask == NULL) {
for (dy = 0, y = rect->y; y < endY; y++, dy += zoom) {
for (dx = 0, x = rect->x; x < endX; x++, dx += zoom) {
Pixel p;
p = xxGetPixel(xim, x, y);
for (y1 = 0; y1 < numDraw; y1++) {
for (x1 = 0; x1 < numDraw; x1++) {
xxPutPixel(dst, dx + x1, dy + y1, p);
if (numDraw != zoom)
xxPutPixel(dst, dx + x1, dy + y1, w->core.background_pixel);
if (numDraw != zoom)
for (x1 = 0; x1 < zoom; x1++)
xxPutPixel(dst, dx + x1, dy + y1, w->core.background_pixel);
} else {
for (dy = 0, y = rect->y; y < endY; y++, dy += zoom) {
for (dx = 0, x = rect->x; x < endX; x++, dx += zoom) {
Pixel p;
if (!xxGetPixel(mask, x, y))
p = xxGetPixel(xim, x, y);
for (y1 = 0; y1 < numDraw; y1++) {
for (x1 = 0; x1 < numDraw; x1++) {
xxPutPixel(dst, dx + x1, dy + y1, p);
xxPutPixel(dstMsk, dx + x1, dy + y1, True);
if (mask != NULL) {
Pixmap pix = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), width * zoom, height * zoom, 1);
XPutImage(XtDisplay(w), pix, pw->paint.mgc, dstMsk,
0, 0, 0, 0, width * zoom, height * zoom);
XSetClipMask(XtDisplay(w), gc, pix);
XSetClipOrigin(XtDisplay(w), gc, xstart * zoom, ystart * zoom);
XPutImage(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), gc, dst, 0, 0,
xstart * zoom, ystart * zoom,
width * zoom, height * zoom);
XSetClipMask(XtDisplay(w), gc, None);
XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(w), pix);
} else {
XPutImage(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), gc, dst, 0, 0,
xstart * zoom, ystart * zoom,
width * zoom, height * zoom);
if (dstMsk != NULL)
static void zoomUpdate(PaintWidget pw, Boolean isExpose, XRectangle *rect)
int zoom = GET_ZOOM(pw);
int sx, sy, w, h, zsx, zsy;
XImage *xim;
XRectangle *isec, *tmp;
XRectangle real, grab;
if ((isec = RectIntersect(rect, GetRectangle(pw))) == NULL)
zsx = sx = isec->x / zoom;
zsy = sy = isec->y / zoom;
w = (isec->width + (isec->x % zoom) + zoom - 1) / zoom;
h = (isec->height + (isec->y % zoom) + zoom - 1) / zoom;
grab.x = sx + pw->paint.zoomX;
grab.y = sy + pw->paint.zoomY;
grab.width = w;
grab.height = h;
real.x = 0;
real.y = 0;
real.width = pw->paint.drawWidth;
real.height = pw->paint.drawHeight;
if ((tmp = RectIntersect(&grab, &real)) == NULL)
xim = PwGetImage((Widget)pw, tmp);
real.x = tmp->x;
real.y = tmp->y;
real.width = tmp->width;
real.height = tmp->height;
_PwZoomDraw(pw, (Widget)pw, pw->paint.tgc, xim, NULL, isExpose, sx, sy, zoom, &real);
** pw = parent paint widget
** w = widget who's window will be updated
** gc = gc to use (read/written)
** src = source XImage to use
** mask = mask XImage to use
** flag = is this an expose event, so we don't have to update pixels == window background
** sx,sy = start x, y for window drawing (non-zoomed)
** zoom = zoom value to apply
** rect = region of the input ximages to use to draw a start x,y with the specified width,height
void _PwZoomDraw(PaintWidget pw, Widget w, GC gc, XImage *src, XImage *mask, Boolean flag,
int sx, int sy, int zoom, XRectangle *rect)
if (rect->width * rect->height < 1024 + 256)
zoomDrawRects(pw, w, gc, src, mask, flag, sx, sy, zoom, rect);
zoomDrawImage(pw, w, gc, src, mask, flag, sx, sy, zoom, rect);
if (pw->paint.grid) {
int xstart, xend, ystart, yend;
xstart = sx * zoom - 1;
ystart = sy * zoom - 1;
xend = xstart + rect->width * zoom + zoom - 1;
yend = ystart + rect->height * zoom + zoom - 1;
drawVisibleGrid(pw, w, True, zoom, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
void PwUpdateDrawable(Widget w, Drawable draw, XRectangle *rect)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
XRectangle all;
Pixmap pix = GET_PIXMAP(pw);
if (rect == NULL || rect->width == 0 || rect->height == 0) {
rect = &all;
all.x = all.y = 0;
all.width = pw->core.width;
all.height = pw->core.height;
XCopyArea(XtDisplay(w), pix, draw, pw->paint.gc,
rect->x + pw->paint.zoomX,
rect->y + pw->paint.zoomY,
rect->width, rect->height,
rect->x, rect->y);
static void realExposeProc(PaintWidget pw, XExposeEvent *event, Boolean flag)
int x, y, width, height;
XRectangle rect;
if (!XtIsRealized(((Widget)pw)))
** Clean up the event, since I do simulate them
x = event->x;
y = event->y;
width = event->width;
height = event->height;
if (x < 0) {
width += x;
x = 0;
if (y < 0) {
height += y;
y = 0;
if (width < 0 || height < 0)
if (x > pw->core.width || y > pw->core.height)
if (x + width > pw->core.width)
width = pw->core.width - x;
if (y + height > pw->core.height)
height = pw->core.height - y;
rect.x = x;
rect.y = y;
rect.width = width;
rect.height = height;
if (GET_ZOOM(pw) <= 1)
PwUpdateDrawable((Widget)pw, XtWindow((Widget)pw), &rect);
zoomUpdate(pw, flag, &rect);
static void ExposeProc(Widget w, XExposeEvent *event)
realExposeProc((PaintWidget)w, event, True);
static void resizePixmap(PaintWidget w, Pixmap *pixmap)
Pixmap n;
if (pixmap == NULL || *pixmap == None)
n = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
w->paint.drawWidth, w->paint.drawHeight,
XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), n,
w->paint.igc, 0,0,
w->paint.drawWidth, w->paint.drawHeight);
XCopyArea(XtDisplay(w), *pixmap, n,
w->paint.gc, 0, 0,
w->paint.drawWidth, w->paint.drawHeight, 0, 0);
XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(w), *pixmap);
*pixmap = n;
static Boolean SetValuesProc(Widget curArg, Widget request,
Widget newArg)
PaintWidget cur = (PaintWidget)curArg;
PaintWidget new = (PaintWidget)newArg;
int ret = False;
int sizeChanged = False;
int i;
if (cur->paint.sourcePixmap != new->paint.sourcePixmap)
pwSetPixmap(new, new->paint.sourcePixmap, True);
if (cur->paint.compress != new->paint.compress)
new->core.widget_class->core_class.compress_motion = new->paint.compress;
if (!XtIsRealized((Widget)new))
return ret;
if (cur->paint.fillRule != new->paint.fillRule)
XSetFillStyle(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.fgc, new->paint.fillRule);
if (cur->paint.foreground != new->paint.foreground)
XSetForeground(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.fgc, new->paint.foreground);
if (cur->paint.pattern != new->paint.pattern)
XSetTile(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.fgc, new->paint.pattern);
if (cur->paint.lineFillRule != new->paint.lineFillRule)
XSetFillStyle(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.sgc, new->paint.lineFillRule);
if (cur->paint.lineForeground != new->paint.lineForeground)
XSetForeground(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.sgc, new->paint.lineForeground);
if (cur->paint.linePattern != new->paint.linePattern)
XSetTile(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.sgc, new->paint.linePattern);
if (cur->paint.lineWidth != new->paint.lineWidth) {
XSetLineAttributes(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.fgc,
new->paint.lineWidth, LineSolid,
CapRound, JoinMiter);
XSetLineAttributes(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.sgc,
new->paint.lineWidth, LineSolid,
CapRound, JoinMiter);
if (cur->paint.fontInfo->fid != new->paint.fontInfo->fid) {
XSetFont(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.fgc,
if (cur->paint.drawWidth != new->paint.drawWidth ||
cur->paint.drawHeight != new->paint.drawHeight) {
UndoStack *cur;
** Resize the undo buffers
if (new->paint.paint == None) {
resizePixmap(new, &new->paint.base);
for (cur = new->paint.tail; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
resizePixmap(new, &cur->pixmap);
** Destroy the XImage that is cached
if (new->paint.image != NULL) {
new->paint.image = NULL;
if (XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget)new,
new->paint.drawWidth * new->paint.zoom,
new->paint.drawHeight * new->paint.zoom,
NULL, NULL) == XtGeometryDone) {
ret = True;
sizeChanged = True;
for (i = 0; i < new->paint.paintChildrenSize; i++) {
XtNdrawWidth, new->paint.drawWidth,
XtNdrawHeight, new->paint.drawHeight,
if (cur->paint.zoom != new->paint.zoom) {
ret = True;
if (XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget)new,
new->paint.drawWidth * new->paint.zoom,
new->paint.drawHeight * new->paint.zoom,
NULL, NULL) == XtGeometryDone) {
** XXX -- resize children ???
sizeChanged = True;
if (cur->paint.zoomX != new->paint.zoomX ||
cur->paint.zoomY != new->paint.zoomY) {
XExposeEvent event;
event.x = 0;
event.y = 0;
event.width = new->core.width;
event.height = new->core.height;
realExposeProc(new, &event, False);
#if 0
if (cur->core.width != new->core.width ||
cur->core.height != new->core.height) {
int rc =
new->core.width, new->core.height,
printf("rc = %d\n",rc);
if (cur->paint.grid != new->paint.grid) {
XRectangle *rect = GetRectangle(new);
rect->x -= rect->x % new->paint.zoom + 1;
rect->y -= rect->y % new->paint.zoom + 1;
drawVisibleGrid(new, (Widget)new,
new->paint.grid, GET_ZOOM(new),
rect->x, rect->y,
rect->x + rect->width, rect->y + rect->height);
for (i = 0; i < new->paint.paintChildrenSize; i++) {
XtNgrid, new->paint.grid,
if (cur->core.background_pixel != new->core.background_pixel)
XSetForeground(XtDisplay(new), new->paint.igc, new->core.background_pixel);
if (cur->paint.cursor != new->paint.cursor)
XDefineCursor(XtDisplay(new), XtWindow(new), new->paint.cursor);
if (sizeChanged)
XtCallCallbackList((Widget)new, new->paint.sizecalls, NULL);
return ret;
static void GetValuesHook(Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal *nargs)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
PaintWidget pp = (PaintWidget)pw->paint.paint;
Arg a;
int i;
if (pp == None)
for (i = 0; i < *nargs; i++) {
char *nm = args[i].name;
if (strcmp(nm, XtNlineWidth) == 0)
XtSetArg(a, XtNlineWidth, args[i].value);
else if (strcmp(nm, XtNlineFillRule) == 0)
XtSetArg(a, XtNlineFillRule, args[i].value);
else if (strcmp(nm, XtNfillRule) == 0)
XtSetArg(a, XtNfillRule, args[i].value);
else if (strcmp(nm, XtNdrawWidth) == 0)
XtSetArg(a, XtNdrawWidth, args[i].value);
else if (strcmp(nm, XtNdrawHeight) == 0)
XtSetArg(a, XtNdrawHeight, args[i].value);
XtGetValues((Widget)pp, &a, 1);
static int QueryGeometryProc(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *proposed,
XtWidgetGeometry *reply)
** Use the fact that the return values are ordered by "importance"
#define SETRET(ret,x) ret = (x > ret) ? x : ret
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
int width = pw->paint.drawWidth * pw->paint.zoom;
int height = pw->paint.drawHeight * pw->paint.zoom;
reply->request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight;
reply->width = width;
reply->height = height;
#if 0
printf("In %d,%d Out %d,%d\n",
proposed->width, proposed->height,
reply->width, reply->height);
if (proposed->request_mode & (CWWidth | CWHeight) == (CWWidth | CWHeight) &&
proposed->width == reply->width && proposed->height == reply->height)
return XtGeometryNo;
#if 0
else if (reply->width == w->core.width && reply->height == w->core.height)
return XtGeometryNo;
return XtGeometryAlmost;
XImage *PwGetImage(Widget w, XRectangle *rect)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
Pixmap pix = GET_PIXMAP(pw);
Region r;
XRectangle clean;
if (pw->paint.paint != None)
pw = (PaintWidget)pw->paint.paint;
if (rect != NULL) {
if (rect->x < 0) {
clean.x = 0;
clean.width = rect->width + rect->x;
} else {
clean.x = rect->x;
clean.width = rect->width;
if (rect->y < 0) {
clean.y = 0;
clean.height = rect->height + rect->y;
} else {
clean.y = rect->y;
clean.height = rect->height;
if (clean.width > pw->paint.drawWidth)
clean.width = pw->paint.drawWidth;
if (clean.height > pw->paint.drawHeight)
clean.height = pw->paint.drawHeight;
} else {
clean.x = 0;
clean.y = 0;
clean.width = pw->paint.drawWidth;
clean.height = pw->paint.drawHeight;
if (pw->paint.image == NULL) {
pw->paint.image = XCreateImage(XtDisplay(w), pw->paint.visual,
pw->core.depth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL,
pw->paint.drawWidth, pw->paint.drawHeight,
32, 0);
pw->paint.image->data = (char*)XtMalloc(pw->paint.drawHeight * pw->paint.image->bytes_per_line);
pw->paint.imageRegion = XCreateRegion();
pw->paint.invalidateRegion = False;
if (pw->paint.invalidateRegion) {
pw->paint.imageRegion = XCreateRegion();
pw->paint.invalidateRegion = False;
if (XRectInRegion(pw->paint.imageRegion, clean.x, clean.y,
clean.width, clean.height) == RectangleIn)
return pw->paint.image;
r = XCreateRegion();
XUnionRectWithRegion(&clean, r, r);
XSubtractRegion(r, pw->paint.imageRegion, r);
XClipBox(r, &clean);
** Since this is "caching" grow the image sligtly over the
** requested size.
if ((clean.x -= 8) < 0)
clean.x = 0;
if ((clean.y -= 8) < 0)
clean.y = 0;
if ((clean.width += 16) > pw->paint.drawWidth - clean.x)
clean.width = pw->paint.drawWidth - clean.x;
if ((clean.height += 16) > pw->paint.drawHeight - clean.y)
clean.height = pw->paint.drawHeight - clean.y;
XGetSubImage(XtDisplay(pw), pix, clean.x, clean.y,
clean.width, clean.height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap,
pw->paint.image, clean.x, clean.y);
XUnionRectWithRegion(&clean, pw->paint.imageRegion,
#if 0
printf("num rects = %d\n", ((long*)pw->paint.imageRegion)[1]);
return pw->paint.image;
void PwGetPixmap(Widget w, Pixmap *pix, int *width, int *height)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
*pix = None;
if (pw->paint.paint != None) {
PwGetPixmap((Widget)pw->paint.paint, pix, width, height);
if (width != NULL)
*width = pw->paint.drawWidth;
if (height != NULL)
*height = pw->paint.drawHeight;
*pix= XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
pw->paint.drawWidth, pw->paint.drawHeight,
PwUpdateDrawable(w, *pix, NULL);
Pixmap PwGetRawPixmap(Widget w)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
if (pw->paint.paint != None)
return PwGetRawPixmap((Widget)pw->paint.paint);
return GET_PIXMAP(pw);
static void pwSetPixmap(PaintWidget w, Pixmap pix, int flag)
Window root;
int x, y;
unsigned int width, height, bw, depth;
XGetGeometry(XtDisplay(w), pix,
&root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &bw, &depth);
depth = 2;
if (depth == 1) {
XCopyPlane(XtDisplay(w), pix, GET_PIXMAP(w),
w->paint.gc, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, 1);
} else {
XCopyArea(XtDisplay(w), pix, GET_PIXMAP(w),
w->paint.gc, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0);
static void fatCallback(Widget parent, XtPointer w, XtPointer rectArg)
XRectangle *rect = (XRectangle*)rectArg;
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
XExposeEvent event;
int zoom = GET_ZOOM(pw);
** Make this look like an expose event on the fatbits region
event.x = (rect->x - pw->paint.zoomX) * zoom;
event.y = (rect->y - pw->paint.zoomY) * zoom;
event.width = rect->width * zoom;
event.height = rect->height * zoom;
realExposeProc(pw, &event, False);
void PwUpdate(Widget w, XRectangle *rect, Boolean force)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
PaintWidget parent = (PaintWidget)pw->paint.paint;
PaintWidget usePW = (parent == None) ? pw : parent;
XRectangle all;
if (rect == NULL) {
if (pw->paint.undo == NULL) {
all.x = 0;
all.y = 0;
all.width = pw->core.width;
all.height = pw->core.height;
rect = &all;
} else {
rect = &pw->paint.undo->box;
} else {
all.x = rect->x - pw->paint.lineWidth;
all.y = rect->y - pw->paint.lineWidth;
all.width = rect->width + pw->paint.lineWidth * 2;
all.height = rect->height + pw->paint.lineWidth * 2;
rect = &all;
** If we have a caching image
if (usePW->paint.image != NULL && !usePW->paint.invalidateRegion) {
#if 0
if (hadRect) {
/* XXX - There should be some better way */
if (((long*)usePW->paint.imageRegion)[1] > 100) {
usePW->paint.invalidateRegion = True;
} else {
Region r = XCreateRegion();
XUnionRectWithRegion(rect, r, r);
XSubtractRegion(usePW->paint.imageRegion, r,
} else {
usePW->paint.invalidateRegion = True;
usePW->paint.invalidateRegion = True;
XtCallCallbackList((Widget)usePW, usePW->paint.fatcalls,
if (force || pw->paint.zoom > 1 || parent != None)
fatCallback((Widget)usePW, (XtPointer)usePW, (XtPointer)rect);
** Update the current visual buffer with the contents
** of the undo area, thus a pseudo-real time undo.
** (it's not undo at all)
void PwUpdateFromLast(Widget w, XRectangle *rect)
Pixmap pix;
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
Pixmap draw = GET_PIXMAP(pw);
if (pw->paint.paint != None)
pw = (PaintWidget)pw->paint.paint;
** If there is undoing enabled
if (pw->paint.undo == None) {
pix = pw->paint.base;
} else {
if (pix = pw->paint.undo->next != NULL)
pix = pw->paint.undo->next->pixmap;
pix = pw->paint.base;
XCopyArea(XtDisplay(w), pix, draw, pw->paint.gc,
rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height,
rect->x, rect->y);
PwUpdate(w, rect, True);
** Bogus XXX
XRectangle *PwScaleRectangle(Widget w, XRectangle *src)
static XRectangle dst;
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
return src;
void PwPutPixmap(Widget w, Pixmap pix)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
GC gc = pw->paint.gc;
Pixmap dst;
Window root;
int x, y;
unsigned int width, height, bw, depth;
XRectangle rect;
XGetGeometry(XtDisplay(w), pix, &root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &bw, &depth);
rect.x = 0;
rect.y = 0;
rect.width = width;
rect.height = height;
dst = PwUndoStart(w, &rect);
XCopyArea(XtDisplay(pw), pix, dst, gc, 0, 0,
width, height, 0, 0);
PwUpdate(w, &rect, True);
static void removeChild(Widget child, Widget w)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pw->paint.paintChildrenSize; i++)
if (pw->paint.paintChildren[i] == child)
for (i++; i < pw->paint.paintChildrenSize; i++)
pw->paint.paintChildren[i-1] = pw->paint.paintChildren[i];
XtRemoveCallback((Widget)w, XtNfatBack, fatCallback, (XtPointer)child);
void PwAddChild(Widget w, Widget child)
PaintWidget pw = (PaintWidget)w;
if (pw->paint.paintChildren == NULL)
pw->paint.paintChildren = (Widget*)XtMalloc(sizeof(Widget) * (pw->paint.paintChildrenSize + 2));
pw->paint.paintChildren = (Widget*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)pw->paint.paintChildren, sizeof(Widget) * (pw->paint.paintChildrenSize + 2));
pw->paint.paintChildren[pw->paint.paintChildrenSize++] = child;
XtAddCallback(child, XtNdestroyCallback, (XtCallbackProc)removeChild, (XtPointer)w);
XtAddCallback(w, XtNfatBack, fatCallback, (XtPointer)child);